I’ve dropped some sidelong hints in this website (and for that matter in the songs I write) about my beliefs and theological thinking differing from the evangelical with a dash of charismatic superchurch concensus the vast majority of ‘worship music’ (whatever that might mean … ) emerges from. And rather, at least at this time, than try and write a theological tract, I thought I’d give a slightly more general indication of where at least some of my thought goes by letting you go and listen to the first time anyone has ever persuaded me to give a full sermon. (This may prove to be a watch this space rather than a one-off, but much exploring still needs to be done there) It might make clear some of the reasons why I wrote so strongly about lyrics the congregation can sign up to, if it gives you an idea of what I do or don’t sign up to in contrast to some very good contemporary Christian songwriters. Here’s the link: