Is it just me (and my myriad physical and mental illnesses), or is music practice really tiring? Like, out of all proportion to other forms of ‘work’ or the apparent amount of physical exercise involved?
On a really good day, I might manage to do four hours of practice. It’s very unlikely to be more, though I might conceivably practise that much by myself in the day and then have a rehearsal or something in the evening. But four hours of practising, spread over a morning and afternoon, is exhausting! I’ll finish it with my left hand aching, my back stiff (possibly I shouldn’t always practise standing up), my head starting to hurt and my brain at the edge of being unable to concentrate or absorb any more information.
And yet, that’s four hours. It’s only half a normal working day! OK, I will probably have spent some time going through adverts and dealing with ‘business’ of one sort or another; but still, the claim that when I’m not in the office I work the equivalent amount of time as a musician looks kind of weak. On the other hand, the effort involved is much greater – music days are much more tiring than desk days!
Is this particular to string players? I seriously cannot imagine that wind players or singers come off easier with the breath control involved. Maybe pianists and guitarists get by a little more lightly; I imagine kit drummers, using and coordinating all four limbs, must get a lot more knackered again!
All I know is now I’m really tired and it’s only five o’clock … (in the afternoon, you cynical people!)