So, where were we? Oh yes, Sunday.
Well, as I post shamefully little of other people’s music on here, start off by taking a listen to this:
Which is the track by superb Oxfordshire folk-originals trio Little Red that I was shooting the video for.
The single oddest thing about it is probably doing a load of stuff in the knowledge that no noise you make will be recorded, even though the images are being faithfully taped! I’ve written about this before, but it’s probably the closest mainstream modern equivalent to silent film recording. Of course the result is a fair bit of speaking anyway, because people don’t just get highly worked up in silence most of the time – but with very low pressure on improv dialogue skills. (I’m really hoping no one with excellent lip-reading skills gets their hands or rather eyes on a couple of key moments. Fortunately the deaf are unlikely to watch music videos.)
The other oddity was that the ‘cast’ – namely myself and the multi-talented Jess Law – were also musicians; a product of being recruited through local muso networks but ironic given we were there to act in silence and make no music whatsoever! At least we sympathised with the discovery for the band performance shots that it’s much easier to actually play and sing than try to mime …
I’m going to keep details of the video up my sleeve but teaser photos from director Ant Appleby are atmospheric, intriguing and seem to manage to avoid me looking like a clown, so keep your eyes peeled for release info …
I’ve also discovered that waltzing on a leaf littery (and occasionally brambly) forest floor in hiking boots is a lot more difficult than I would have allowed for.