In fact, notice how everything seems a little different around here?
Over the last few months, the wonderfully creative, patient and thorough Helen Lesley (contact details on request) has been working through redesigning my website. The gradual shifts in content grouping, deleting and adding pages and making corresponding changes to what text, links and media are where, have been visible as they go along, but the new design as such (theme, colour scheme, the homepage which is completely different) had to hide in backroom test versions until we were ready to move the whole new thing to my domain name. Which we have now done, so please have a dig around and enjoy my new web home.
Of course, one of the beauties of the digital sphere is that instead of a major redesign refresh being an end product that you’re stuck with until you do the next one, it’s more setting a baseline to which you can make innumerable continuous-improvement tweaks based on feedback (or, less advisably, random whims). So let me know what you think of the new e-threads; the whole site is still built in a platform that allows me (without much technical knowledge, certainly nothing specialist) to adjust almost any detail within the whole.
And if anyone I know is seeking a web designer, I would certainly recommend Helen as being very good to work with and having that sought-after ability to get inside the client’s image of themselves – even if you don’t understand that so clearly yourself at the start of the process – and pick on the things that will communicate that identity effectively online.