Old-ish, anyway. Otherwise known as The Annual Circuit Tour.
Tomorrow night (Friday), the Filthy Spectacula make our second appearance at Amanda Rodgers’ superb Stranger than Paradise night at Brixton Hootananny, opening for Baghdaddies, A Pony Named Olga and A Stripper Named Ruby (one of those is not a band. Guess.). After last summer’s set, if it’s anywhere near that hot again and anyone switches off the big fan pointing at the stage, we will actually interrupt a song to kill them. (Fan as in blows air. We will have more than one musical admirer pointing at the stage at some point in the evening, promise.) Not only is it our second time there, it’s only just down the road from Brixton Jamm, where we played last weekend. And within striking distance of the Mill, where we’re playing next weekend (also for the second time). Clearly Sarf Landan loves us more than any of our hometowns …
On Saturday, after a quick dash back to Oxford mainly because my girlfriend has inconveniently gone to Ireland without me, I’m making my second visit to the Hope in Richmond with the Kindred Spirit duo (Elaine has been there many more times). I’m just hoping this time no middle-aged men in leather jackets (they make the lycra version of MAMIL look positively civilised, je te jure) decide to gloss Elbow’s ‘One Day like This’ as being about suicide through the medium of hand gestures …
New ground to be broken next week, as well as the aforementioned Mill return visit. Watch this space …