London Viola Player, Violinist & Arranger For Hire

I will worship You … later

Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will turn back to you.

(from Ps 51, NIV 1984)

This is part of a longer passage, and I’m pretty sure that passage is not the only one of its kind in the Psalms. The essential idea is more or less where I’m at with God at the minute. I think it’s a valid, spiritually functioning position, and it runs something like this:

I’m in a pretty terrible place right now. Sort me out, return me to something like sanity and normality and functioning, and then I will praise you and serve you. Right now, making it from one end of the day to the other is enough of an achievement for me.

All I see

Between ourselves, I’ve nearly caught up with doing bedroom recordings (that’s a literal phrase by the way) of the burst of songwriting that took place about late 2011 to late 2012. I’ve hardly written anything since then – partly creative energy focused on Ragdoll (now taking a few months’ hiatus, sadly) and the String Project, partly never-recovering mental health and finding my job more of a trial. So what happens next is increasingly becoming anyone’s guess.

As far as this song goes, I may have got a bit carried away adding string parts. And yes, I know it’s pretty much in conventional worship song structure (verse-bridge-chorus-verse-bridge-chorus-middle 8-chorus), but it does flip between G minor and G major, so give me some credit. And besides, just because I criticise the rules doesn’t mean I have to break them every time.

New demo

I’ve had this one part-written for ages, but it took me for ever to settle for a simpler structure (3 verses plus chorus, no middle 8 / B section) and finish writing the lyrics. As ever, feedback appreciated. Do you think this would work in a church if only we could teach the guitarist and bassist to copy my blues-rock riffs? That’d be controversial …

Holy, holy, holy

One more song to see out the year (and suggest I haven’t quite completely given up on the thought of writing music for collective worship). Apparently it’s taken me since some time in 2012 to get from writing this to recording it, which is definitely what I call being a part-time musician. I certainly wouldn’t assume the track has any direct relevance to where I metaphorically am at the moment.

I am not a marketeer, I am a free musician!

(apologies for the gratuitous The Prisoner reference there – if you didn’t get it, watch the original series, it’s gret. Not the remake)

Do you have friends who play gigs / concerts? Or even read poetry in public, act, dance etc.? Have you noticed how about half of all their contact with you is multi-channel invitations to gigs? Do you perform yourself? Do you find that you seem to spend more time on the marketing campaigns than the rehearsals, let alone the gigs?

Yeah, me too. Too some extent any vibrant cultural scene becomes self-defeating: there is so much on in my adoptive home city of Oxford relative to the number of people who live there, regardless of the proportion who want a full cultural life, that there simply isn’t really enough audience to go round on any given night. The majority of open mike nights are played to the people performing that night, the bar staff and maybe the performers’ girlfriends. (Sometimes not even them.) If you want a decent audience to your gig, you really do have to promote it properly – Facebook event (which most people won’t read the invitations to), emails, text messages, posters, work noticeboards, etc. And it is time-consuming and it is exhausting and musicians don’t on average have any more interest in marketing than anyone else so most of us don’t enjoy it. But it’s the only way I’ve found to get a vaguely decent number of people to anything. Even then it can feel like more of a reflection of how many friends you have and how loyal they are, rather than how good your set is.

But if you don’t, you basically won’t progress beyond playing for free, which if you work hard at your music (let alone your promotion) is frankly frustrating (and makes buying gigging kit a much more questionable invention). You won’t make anything on the door if you’re getting a cut, and if you’re being paid a fee without a door charge and the venue don’t make a lot more money at the bar than they would have done without you playing, the venue won’t ask you back. So if won’t be a marketeer, you almost certainly literally will be a free musician. Also, even free gigs can be empty, and whether money’s involved or not, I have to tell you playing to a nearly empty room is one of the most dispiriting experiences available in any performing art.

All of which doesn’t, I think, in any way diminish the feeling that someone else who isn’t playing should really be doing the promotion and that it’s frankly a stretch for the hobby you enjoy and so do alongside the job that pays the bills to involve you taking up another hobby you don’t enjoy. It can feel essentially like exploitation – that someone, presumably the venue / gig organiser, is using you as free marketing labour. It doesn’t make my feelings about music more straightforward when playing helps my mind but stress and disappointment don’t. But it’s either that or go back to the bedroom jams, unless you’re very lucky.

Isn’t there a contradiction here?

So the imaginary critics are asking. ‘Last time you were at all active on here you were saying mental illness, and depression in particular, is an obstacle to artistic creation not a spur to it; and now you’ve come back with a bunch of demo recordings, two original songs and one substantially rewritten, which are clearly born out of depression, and / or what might be called its spiritual side-effects.’

Well, I’m not sure that it is entirely contradictory. Let me tell a story about this.

The other week, the String Project (including me on viola) played through a string quartet by a local composer (who I’m not going to name). As we were talking about it afterwards he said that it had been written out of, and to some extent about, his father’s death. The first two movements – fairly ‘abstract’ music, structured rather than grief-laden, even in places witty or energetic – had been written at the time, he said. The truly harrowing last movement he hadn’t been able to write until months later, and it had been four years before he was able to put the piece before anyone else even to the extent of getting a string quartet to play it.

So there is more to this perhaps than I made out those months back in a previous post. Depression, sadness and general mental turmoil can provide the material for art. But it is, I think, the mark of true difficulty – mine and anyone else’s – that the ability to cast it into artistic form only returns once the distress itself has receded somewhat. The art of the depressed, anxious etc. may sound, look or feel like a suicide note; but it is sheer silence, not expression of misery, that should cause real concern.

Songs for the Dark Night of the Soul

New set on Soundcloud:

It’s bedroom demos, and pretty roughshod stuff I’m afraid, even if one of them did stretch to multitracking and a click track (you would hardly be able to tell from the result though). In no way could this be called worship music, and some of it is not as such religious … but I do think it forms a coherent, and in a way artistically honest whole. And says something about some of the mental and spiritual places I inhabit at the moment. And perhaps – just perhaps – it is more important to be unworshipfully truthful than worship out of spirit and out of truth. Certainly it  ought to be permitted even to ‘religious musicians’.

More music

You can’t really get much of a sense of a song from a lyric sheet, can you? But rehearsing a group and doing studio recordings is time-consuming, difficult and, for us rank amateurs, difficult. So, against all my gut instincts, I’ve started putting bedroom demo recordings of some of the songs that aren’t on the proper demo EP on Soundcloud. See or take a look at the Music tab above. Yes, it’s all me through the wonders of a laptop with Audacity downloaded and a built in mic. And if you wonder why I bother overdubbing strings, well, basically to give the mistakes somewhere to hide. But hopefully it gives you more idea of what the songs sound like than no tracks at all. Maybe let me know what you think!