Amidst all the Old Testament prophet-related excitement, I didn’t get round to posting about an event of more long-term significance: I’m finally living somewhere I can call my own (well, rented to me anyway) rather than touring spare beds! Admittedly I haven’t managed to get about half of my possessions over here to join me, but it’s still quite a big step.
I haven’t lived on the hoof, necessarily minimally, for quite a while now. One of the big things I realised even unpacking the first tranch of stuff is I have (and didn’t chuck out before moving out!) quite a bit of stuff that I really don’t need, even don’t miss when I don’t have access them so maybe don’t really want. I’m seriously considering giving away most of the books and CDs/records that are still in crates in a friend’s cupboard, maybe even some of the instruments (gasp!) – though realistically I probably won’t do much about it.
We always mess up our priorities I think. It turns out a second music stand, or an instrument that can play chords, or even a stereo, are much less necessary to my ongoing existence (as a musician, remember!) than printer paper.